MadCatz Tells a Tale of a Soul Calibur V Fight Stick Eternally Retold

Looking to smash your opponents into the stage, out of the ring, or into the air next year? Soul Calibur V will surely be drumming up some new 8-way-run action in January when it brings the Soul'd Out Edge crew back to the state of history.

MadCatz will be right there with them, providing gamers a heavy-duty branded fight stick for all of your "I need to look hardcore at this fighting game tournament that I'll probably be kicked out of in the first round" needs. The Tournament Edition Fight Stick will ship for Xbox 360 and PS3 and be branded the "Soul Edition" to coincide with the upcoming launch of Namco Bandai's weapons-based fighter.

No price has been announced and the components remian shrouded in mystery, but our guess is that it'll continue some of that fancy demon weaponry that's turned Nightmare into such a lunky son of a bitch.

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