Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3 Cheats


Level Select:

Enter at the password screen.

level 2 psbx4r

level 3 fxbx4r

level 4 yxbx4h

level 5 scbx4h

level 6 xtb842

level 7 CSB8G7

level 8 TXB24H

level 9 1SB849

level 10 LCB8GW

level 11 5TBV4R

level 12 OLB84W

level 14 81BV47

level 15 45B2G7

level 16 GLBVG7

level 17 QLBVGW

level 18 ?5BVGW

level 19 MDBX4K

level 20 30B84K

level 21 N0B8BB

level 22 28B8G2

level 23 R4B8G2

level 24 HGB24V

level 25 7MBXGZ

level 26 W3B8G6

level 27 JNBX4K

level 28 92B249

Thanks to Revolution readers steven karkenny and BENJAMIN G MACH!

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