Sim Copter Cheats

To bring up the cheat screen press and hold: ctrl, alt, x

To get any chopper you want type in on the cheat screen:

I’m the CEO of McDonnell Douglas

Then go to where you buy the choppers and press 1-9. If you press 3, you get an Apache…heehee.

And check out these codes…

Gas does grow on trees full tank of gas
Shields up makes you invincible
Give me bucks or give me death: $$$$ $$$$=how much money you want up to 50000 or get sent out of the game
Out for a Sunday drive gives you the view out of a car
Radioactivity makes a reactor blow up
I love my helicopter takes you back to the chopper
superpowermultiply when you push shift it makes you go faster (on ground it turns you into a dog…).
Gort shows alien dialog of when you beat the game
Been there, done that career level skip
Warp me to career: xx warp to career level. xx stands for #level
The map, please shows map outside of your chopper
PAMCAREYGOLDMAN shows picture of directors wife
Lights, Camera, Action! Plays a movie on the drive-in movie theater
A megaphone in the hand is worth two in the bush allows the pilot to use the megaphone outside the chopper
There’s no place like home Takes you to your hangar


Thanks to Revolution Readers Aaron Shaver, Mario Friedmann, Dan Ross, Tim Mattson, Viktor Eidemar, jlouwsma, Daniel Krusi, Unknown, Justin Goran, Greg Latta, Brenda Goran, Pocket 23, Robert James, and Mark Hebert!

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