Hauppauge Brings HDMI Compatibility To Line Of PVRs

You might have noticed that many of my reviews have come complete with snippets of actual, unedited gameplay. Lately, I've found that one of the best ways to compliment the criticisms is to back it up with visual evidence. If a game sucks, I want you guys to see exactly how it sucks.

That's all been thanks to the HD PVR Gaming Edition from Hauppauge, and as easy to use and technically capable as that device is, I'm still left wanting. That's why their announcement of the HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition has my eyes and ears.

The HD PVR 2 GE includes HDMI and component video recording at up to 1080p30, including HDMI pass through. This is a high-definition console generation, so the addition of an HDMI standard is a huge boon for Hauppauge. At $169, the HD PVR 2 GE is a little on the pricey side for many gamers, but you certainly get what you pay for and the Hauppauge name is known for high tech capture devices. Frankly, in the realm of HDMI compatible capture equipment, $169 is chump change.

We'll see how it works out when we get our hands on a final retail unit.

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