samsung galaxy s10 release date

Samsung Galaxy S10 Release Date: When Can We Expect Samsung’s New Smartphone?

The Samsung S9 Note may be the product currently on everyone’s lips but there’s a big milestone just over the horizon: the Samsung Galaxy S10. Knowing the smartphone developers, we can expect big things to come out of the handheld mobile device at some point in the future, though the official Samsung Galaxy S10 release date is very much up in the air. Here’s when we can expect it, plus a look at its potential features.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Release Date: When Can We Expect Samsung’s Next Smartphone?

While Samsung hasn’t announced an actual Samsung Galaxy S10 release date, we can make some very reasonable guesses. Judging by the patterns of the last few S-series release dates (S8: April 2017, S9: March 2018), it appears that early Spring 2019 is the targeted release window for the device. To narrow it down further, a release date of either March 2019 or April 2019 can be expected. Get circling those calendars.

Samsung Galaxy S10: Rumored Features

It’s all well and good knowing when the Samsung Galaxy S10 will be in our hands, but what will it be able to do? One rumored feature is that of an “Infinity” screen, wherein the edges of the screen will be virtually non-existent. A mock-up/potential leak was recently posted by Ice Universe on Twitter (H/T Tech Advisor) which would be a game-changer for the smartphone high-end market, and could see its competitors scrambling to save face.

A report by PocketNow also indicates a source hinting at a potential big feature: 5G connectivity. While 5G isn’t readily available in many developed areas, there’s a distinct possibility that Samsung Galaxy S10 showing up with that included may yet speed up the infrastructure process and bring 5G to the masses before the decade is out. Now, wouldn’t that be something? Roll on (we hope) March 2019.

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