Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon cover

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon merges puzzle games and dungeon crawlers

Yacht Club Games has announced Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, a brand-new game that merges puzzle games and dungeon crawlers, set in the Shovel Knight universe. And of course, there’s some digging involved.

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This might sound like a strange combination, but it seems to be yet another game that stretches the perception of what a Shovel Knight game can be. Players can travel in an overworld map and head into dungeons. These dungeons are played out in the style of “falling block” puzzle games.

You can move in any direction, but every move you make will also advance the enemies by one space. Touching enemies will cause damage and touching potions will heal you. Much like other dungeon crawler titles, players can also equip items with a limited number of uses that will give them new powers.

You can check out the Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon trailer below. No price or platforms for this new Shovel Knight game have been announced just yet, but we’ll probably hear more about that soon.

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Trailer

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