Minecraft: Dungeons release date delay sword

Minecraft: Dungeons release date delay won’t be a long wait

We were warned about a potential Minecraft: Dungeons release date delay and it looks like it’s come true, although it isn’t as bad as it could have been. If you think you would be waiting several months to play Minecraft: Dungeons, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear that it’s not all that long.

A tweet from the game’s official account reveals that the launch date has indeed been pushed back. While Minecraft: Dungeons was originally slated to come out sometime in April 2020, it’s now going to launch on May 26, 2020.

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The tweet doesn’t mention the specific reason for the delay, but this was addressed by the developers two weeks ago.

“As we’re working from home to do our part in protecting our community, our workflows will unfortunately be impacted,” the developers said.

It seems that the impact has now been realized with the Minecraft: Dungeons release date delay. Although it’s disappointing, it isn’t quite as bad as the players who have to wait several months to get Wasteland 3. You can look forward to playing Minecraft: Dungeons on all platforms starting on May 26, 2020.

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