Astartes Part 5 Warhammer 40K

Astartes Part 5 brings thrilling conclusion to Warhammer 40K story today

Warhammer 40,000 fanatics have something to look forward to today. Soon, we’ll get to see Astartes Part 5, the thrilling conclusion to the fan-made Warhammer 40K movie on YouTube.

If you haven’t been keeping up with your Warhammer 40K fan films, Astartes first premiered roughly two years ago. This story tells the tale of the Argosa Uprisings, an anti-Imperium rebellion that was tearing apart a world. The Emperor ain’t got time for that, so he sent in the Space Marines to clean things up.

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The first few parts show a squad of Space Marines deploying from their ship, breaching an enemy craft, and cutting their way through the opposition with ease. Part 4 showed us an epic battle between the Space Marines and two powerful psykers which has a flashy conclusion, leaving the remaining Space Marines staring at a sealed door.

The mystery of what’s behind that door will be answered today — you can watch the Astartes Part 5 premiere at 5:00 PM Eastern. Until then, you can catch up with what’s happened so far in this handy YouTube playlist.

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