Nintendo Switch 2 release date

Is the new Nintendo Switch 2 coming out in 2020?

Is the new Nintendo Switch 2 coming out in 2020? Nintendo has been talking about its potential follow-up to the Switch, mentioning that it would like to carry on, in some way at least, from the hybrid nature of the Switch. When is the Nintendo Switch 2 release date? Read on to find out when we think the potential Switch 2 release date will be, and whether or not it will come out in 2020.

Is the new Nintendo Switch 2 coming out in 2020?

Nintendo Switch 2 release date

No. The new Nintendo Switch 2 is not coming out in 2020. Nintendo has been talking about its future plans and the success of the Switch as it has entered its fourth year on the market, citing its success and continued growth. It sounds like Nintendo has learned some lessons from the success of the Switch and wishes to continue with at least some of its formula for its next console.

During its 80th annual meeting of shareholders (H/T:, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa explained that Nintendo wants to “utilize” the Switch experiences (tabletop play, handheld, traditional TV use) “in carefully considering the form our future game consoles will take.” Don’t expect that future game console anytime soon, however, as Furukawa adds that Nintendo wants “to extend the life cycle of Nintendo Switch while maximizing such advantages” as developing for a single platform and multiple hardware iterations of the same machine.

Take it as read that the new Switch 2 release date will not be 2020. Slowing production of the Switch right now would be a bizarre and, dare we say it, stupid move on Nintendo’s part. The console is still selling extremely well and it’s showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, not with New Pokemon Snap on the way, anyway. Anywhere between four-six years is a standard lifespan of a gaming console. Expect the Switch to stick around for a good couple of years yet, at least.

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