Untitled Goose Game 2-player update flowers

Untitled Goose Game 2-player update arrives for free next month

An Untitled Goose Game 2-player update has been announced as the closer for today’s Nintendo Indie World Showcase stream and it’s arriving surprisingly soon — you’ll be able to wreak havoc with a friend in Untitled Goose Game multiplayer starting next month.

“Oh dear! Two horrible geese!” read a tweet from Untitled Goose Game developer House House. “A new two-player mode for Untitled Goose Game will be available for free on September 23rd.”

The reveal showcase a short video showing two geese working in tandem to complete the game’s various objectives, largely be stealing items and honking at the townsfolk. It’s not quite clear if this co-op mode will simply add in a second player or if it will debut new challenges for players to overcome.

The announcement of an Untitled Goose Game 2-player update is certainly great news, but that’s not the only thing coming on September 23, 2020 — PC players will finally be able to play it on Steam and Itch.io starting on that date.

You’ll be able to filch keys and terrorize townfolk with a friend when the 2-player update arrives next month. For now, you can add Untitled Goose Game to your wishlist on Steam. If you prefer to play on console, you can order a physical copy of the game from iam8bit.

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