is disney plus premier worth it

Is Disney Plus Premier worth it?

Is Disney Plus Premier worth it? Disney has announced its plans to introduce Premier Access alongside the release of its upcoming live-action Mulan remake on September 4, 2020, at a premium cost. Read on to find out whether we think the Disney+ Premier Access subscription is worth it or not.

Discover the answer to how much does Disney Plus Premier Access cost below, along with exactly what’s included for the premium cost.

Is Disney Plus Premier worth it?

is Disney Plus Premier worth it

Probably not. It depends on how much you want to watch the live-action Mulan remake. For a cost of $34.99, you can purchase Disney Plus Premier Access, which grants you the ability to stream Mulan from September 4, 2020. While you get to keep this digital copy of Mulan as long as you continue to pay for Disney Plus, $34.99 for one movie is a steep price to pay. Especially when you consider the film will likely appear on Disney+ for everyone else as standard a few months later.

Based on the reasons given above, Disney Plus Premier is not worth it at all. That is unless you absolutely must watch Mulan as soon as possible. We’d suggest you spend that hard-earned money elsewhere or wait for the 4K Blu-ray release of Mulan. If it ever releases physically. This way, you’re not shackled by needing to keep up with Disney+ payments or held back by internet speeds and peak times.

Here’s what’s included with your $34.99 Disney Plus Premier Access payment:

  • Unlimited access to Mulan in 4K HDR, Dolby Audio
    • Unlimited as long as you keep your Disney+ subscription going
    • You can stream and download the film to watch as many times as you like
    • Available from September 4, 2020

Currently, it’s unclear if and when Mulan will release on Disney Plus for everyone without Premier Access. Hopefully, the film releases on the standard subscription within a few months. It seems, too, that Mulan could be the first of many Premier Access movies on the platform. It all depends on how it performs.

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