Redfall is Arkane's new co-op multiplayer game

Redfall is Arkane’s new co-op multiplayer game

Among so many other big reveals in today’s Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase was a fresh trailer for Redfall, the new first-person shooter from Arkane Studios. It follows a group of specially powered individuals as they fight a group of vampires throughout the city streets. And, if the trailer is anything to go by, it looks like exactly the kind of co-op excitement the Series X|S needs.

It’s probably obvious just from the trailer, but Redfall is definitely a co-op shooter. According to details from the Bethesda website, the game allows either a single player or up to four players to cooperatively take out a legion of blood-suckers that have infested the town of Redfall, Massachusetts.

Redfall will allow players to choose between one of four characters: Devinder Crousley, Jacob Boyer, Layla Ellison, and Remi de la Rosa. Each of them have special powers, too: Layla has mind-bending telekinetic abilities, Jacob has a spectral raven and a glowing eye, Devinder has a suite of bespoke gadgets, and engineer Remi has a special partner in the form of robotic companion Bribón.

It’s a good thing, too, because the foes in Redfall aren’t your typical vampires. According to Arkane, “[they] were created after a scientific experiment went horribly wrong.” Even more interesting, the developers say these creatures are “continuing to evolve,” implying their abilities may adapt over time. Some of the evolved creatures apparently develop entirely new powers, such as the Angler’s psychic harpoon featured in the new trailer.

There’s no firm release date for Redfall just yet, but Bethesda and Arcade Studios plan to release the game in summer of 2022. And, like so many others in the E3 2021 Xbox presentation, Redfall will an Xbox X|S and PC exclusive. Those with an active Game Pass subscription will be able to jump in on the action starting on day one.

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