do you need to watch suicide squad 2016 before suicide squad 2021

Do you need to watch Suicide Squad (2016) before The Suicide Squad (2021)?

The Suicide Squad (2021) will soon be out in US theaters, but those looking forward to James Gunn’s take on the team of misfits may not have seen David Ayer’s own Suicide Squad (2016). So do you need to watch Suicide Squad before The Suicide Squad? Here’s what you need to know about the best way to watch this not-quite-a-sequel.

Do you need to watch Suicide Squad before The Suicide Squad?

suicide squad 2016 vs the suicide squad 2021 do you need to watch before

If you haven’t seen David Ayer’s 2016 original, you’ll be pleased to learn that no, you do not need to watch Suicide Squad before the new The Suicide Squad. This new DC film is best described as a self-contained sequel, meaning that while it does contain some of the same characters and actors, knowledge of the first film isn’t necessary to enjoy it.

However, it isn’t exactly the complete reboot many expected. Although it isn’t called Suicide Squad 2, the characters who appeared in the first film such as Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang do remember one another, while there are also small references to some of the events of the first film. But as this is a completely new mission that this new Suicide Squad is being sent on, viewers don’t need to know what happened in the original film to perfectly understand what’s going on this time around.

Still, fans of David Ayer’s original will be heartened to learn that James Gunn didn’t completely abandon its predecessor (Ayer even gets a special “thank you” in the credits), while those who didn’t watch the original don’t have to worry about getting up to speed with its cast of characters.

The Suicide Squad has already surpassed the critical reception garnered by its predecessor, garnering a record-breaking Rotten Tomatoes score for the DCEU. Viewers are also wondering if there’s a Marvel-esque post-credits scene.

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