Dune Disney Plus

Dune Disney Plus Release Date: When can I stream it?

When is the upcoming Dune movie coming to Disney Plus? That’s the question on the minds of filmgoers who want to see the sci-fi epic from the comfort of their own homes. After a year of all the big releases, including Black Widow, landing on streaming services at the same time as theaters, many are wondering if the trend will continue.

When will Dune release on Disney Plus?

Dune Disney Plus

Currently, there isn’t a Dune Disney Plus release date. However, we don’t recommend getting your hopes up for an announcement any time soon. Messy legal agreements mean Dune likely won’t ever release on Disney Plus.

Yes, it all boils down to studio exclusivity and the increasing presence of the streaming wars. Each big Hollywood studio seems to have its own streaming service and is careful to keep its movies exclusive to its platform. By the looks of things, Dune will follow that trend.

Dune is being distributed by Warner Bros., and was made by Legendary Pictures, which is owned by Warner. As such, Dune will release first on HBO Max. In fact, it is launching on HBO Max on the same day as it hits cinemas, as part of Warner’s streaming approach during the pandemic. Therefore, if you want to watch Dune at home when it comes out, HBO Max is your only option.

Due to its close ties to Warner Bros. and HBO Max, Dune will probably never come to Disney Plus. Barring a miraculous buyout from Disney, Warner will want to hold on to their sci-fi epic. It’s the same as Warner Bros.’ slate of DC films: they’re available on HBO Max, but aren’t anywhere near Disney Plus. Studio rivalries mean nobody wants to bolster their rivals’ streaming catalogs — and Dune likely won’t be an exception.

Speaking of DC, it seems like Michael Keaton’s Batman might appear in the Batgirl movie.

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