Lightyear 2022 voice actor

Lightyear teaser trailer reveals Pixar’s new Buzz

The Lightyear 2022 voice actor may be a bit of a controversial one, as the first teaser trailer for Pixar’s Toy Story spin-off has now dropped and has confirmed that Tim Allen is no longer the voice of Buzz Lightyear, at least in this movie. The Lightyear teaser trailer gives the first brief glimpse at the themes and the new universe it’s creating for the character of Buzz Lightyear, as well as a familiar actor as the lead.

Who is the Lightyear 2022 voice actor for Buzz?

Lightyear 2022 voice actor

The new Buzz Lightyear voice actor for the Lightyear movie is Chris Evans, who replaces Tim Allen from the Toy Story movies.

While former Captain America Chris Evans only says one word in the entire teaser trailer, he was confirmed as the new Buzz actor at the Disney Investor Event in December 2020 — the same one that announced the likes of Star Wars Visions, Fantastic Four, and failed to reveal The Book of Boba Fett despite it being announced on The Mandalorian shortly after.

Lightyear isn’t directly connected to the events of Toy Story, in fact, it’s meant to be the in-universe sci-fi movie that the Buzz Lightyear toy line is based on. As such, it’s a little more realistic than previous Toy Story spin-offs like Buzz Lightyear of Star Command or the video game seen in Toy Story 2, as these are meant to be real actors. It’s incredibly meta, and it’s yet to be seen if fans will embrace it.

What is the Lightyear movie release date?

The Lightyear release date is June 17, 2022, which will likely only be for theaters with a Disney Plus release much later. Black Widow and Pixar’s Soul and Luca went to Disney Plus on their release dates, but Marvel’s Shang-Chi and Eternals aren’t due on Disney’s streaming service until 45 days afterward. Lightyear has only been confirmed for a theatrical release at this time.

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