Ed Boon trolls Injustice 3 fans with fake Neo tease

Has there been a new set of Injustice 3 leaks from the head of Netherrealm Studios, or is Ed Boon just trolling DC fans hoping to see the next game in the beloved fighting game series once again? Is Ed Boon offering a big Injustice 3 Neo tease, or possibly Keanu Reeves’ other major character, John Wick? A new message from the Mortal Kombat and Injustice creator

Has there been a new set of Injustice 3 leaks from Ed Boon?

Injustice 3 leaks

Today, Ed Boon posted a tweet adapting an Esquire video featuring Keanu Reeves asking if he wanted to see The Matrix’s Neo or John Wick appear in Mortal Kombat. Reeves didn’t want to see it, saying “they’re doing their own thing,” but Boon’s new video ends with one word: “Injustice?” in the game’s font along with the comment in the tweet “but perhaps instead…?” As both are Warner Bros properties, Neo from The Matrix would make a good fit for the Injustice series as a cameo fighter.

Unfortunately, this leak is in fact a big troll on fans by Ed Boon, who immediately followed it up with “this tweet was just for fun. NO tease for any kind of announcement.” It’s certainly not the first time he’s trolled fans hoping for a particular game announcement. Just this year, Boon’s hinted at a Marvel Vs DC Comics fighting game and a remaster of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. What’s worse is that Boon does this so often fans don’t know when he’s joking — he’s previously done similar “just for fun” teases that came true for Mortal Kombat’s Alien, Spawn, and the whole Kombat Pack 2 DLC line-up.

Fans were previously hoping to see Injustice 3 at DC Fandome in October, but Ed Boon’s appearance there was just to talk about the Injustice animated movie. At the moment, the only fighting game featuring DC Comics characters that has been announced is the more Smash Bros-like MultiVersus, which hopefully will get a release date soon.

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