Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons Update Fixes Ancient Hunts Progress Blockers Today

Minecraft Dungeons has received a small update today, June 8, to remove issues that were preventing players from completing missions in Nether Fortress and Ancient Hunts. The update also fixed a couple of bugs that have appeared since the release of the update at the end of May.

Minecraft Dungeons Update Patch Notes

Minecraft Dungeons Update

The Minecraft Dungeons Update includes a small list of fixes, but at least players will find their mission progress in ancient Hunts and Nether Fortress has been unblocked. The full list of patch notes can be found below:


  • Fixed issues with tile generation on Nether Fortress and in Ancient Hunts that prevented players from progressing through the mission (MCD-7222)
  • Introduced a proper fix to tile generation on Spider Cave in Ancient Hunts that prevented players from progressing through the Ancient Hunt (MCD-7110)
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the cursor highlighting incorrect items slots on the Tower floor reward screen
  • Fixed the sizing of UI elements appearing incorrectly on the Tower floor reward screen on several languages

The patch arrives just a day after The Wild Update was coming out in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Wild Update Minecraft 1.19 adds two new biomes into the game – the deep dark and mangrove swamps – featuring new blocks like sculk, mangrove wood, and mud. There are also four new mobs in the form of the warden, the allay, frogs, and tadpoles. Despite the fact the Wild Update was only released yesterday, June 7, players have already started to make predictions as to what will arrive in the 1.20 Minecraft update. If the current release pattern is any indication, Minecraft 1.20 won’t be released until the end of this year.

In other news, Jurassic World Dominion reviews are calling the movie the “worst of the franchise.” Elsewhere, FIFA 22 is rumored to be coming soon to EA Play now that FIFA 20 is set to leave the service in July.

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