netflix squid game the challenge reality show sign up

Netflix Announces Squid Game: The Challenge Reality Show and Here’s How to Sign Up

Squid Game was one of last year’s biggest hits and Netflix’s most popular series ever, so it’s no surprise the streamer’s expanding its universe with fresh content. Hot on the heels of officially  announcing the Korean drama’s second season, Netflix has also revealed a reality competition series inspired by the global phenomenon. Dubbed “Squid Game: The Challenge,” the show promises to immerse fans in the show’s dystopian, life-or-death competition without, of course, the actual threat of being killed by a giant, creepy robot-girl.

Squid Game gets the reality show treatment

As expected, the surprise, smash hit Squid Game has been renewed for a second season, but the further adventures of Seong Gi-hun and the Front Man are just the beginning, as Netflix is inviting fans to participate in a real-life version of the show called Squid Game: The Challenge. Referring to the new series as “Netflix’s biggest ever social experiment,” the streaming platform’s promising an unscripted reality competition heavily inspired by the popular drama.

How to sign up for Squid Game: The Challenge

The Challenge will pit 456 players against each other, as they compete in a series of “heart-stopping” games to become the last man or woman standing. The massive roster of competitors is matched by an equally impressive prize of $4.56 million. There’s no word yet on when The Challenge will air, but it will contain ten episodes. Fans interested in participating in this non-fiction take on the high-stakes competition can head over to to throw their hat in the ring.

Like the game featured in the series it’s based on, the goal of The Challenge is to outlast all competitors and be the sole survivor. That said, when potential contestants arrive at the application page, they’ll discover the following, cheeky disclaimer: “Please note: Win or lose, all players will leave unscathed. But if you win, you win big!”

In other news, Jurassic World’s getting an escape room in Universal Studios, and here’s how you can avoid Thor: Love and Thunder leaks and spoilers.

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