Skull and Bones

Skull & Bones PC Settings Include 4K HDR and Uncapped FPS

Ubisoft has unveiled the PC features and hardware requirements for Skull & Bones so players can prepare for the game’s release in November. Those features include 4K HDR, uncapped FPS, and ray tracing, although you’ll definitely need the hardware to go with it if that’s the version of Skull and Bones you intend to be playing.

All of the PC features in Skull & Bones

Skull and Bones comes with plenty of different settings for PC players to crank it up to the max. These include 4K with full High Dynamic Range support, uncapped FPS, Ray-Traced Global Illumination, the aforementioned support for Nvidia DLSS or AMD FSR 1.0, and widescreen support for 21:9 and beyond. Away from graphics settings, PC players will be able to completely remap their keyboard and controller layout, including the ability to swap the joysticks and adjust aim assist. There’s also a FOV slider. But what do you need to be able to experience these settings?

Skull and Bones PC Features

The image above gives the minimum hardware specifications players will need for four different graphics settings. As a bare minimum, players will need an Intel i7 4790 / AMD’s Ryzen 5 1600 CPU paired with a GPU like Nvidia’s GTX 1060 (6GB) or AMD’s RX 570 (4GB). These need to be paired with a minimum of 8 GB of DDR4 RAM running in Dual Channel configuration. This hardware will get the Low preset graphics mode at 30FPS. On the other hand, to reach the Ultra preset graphics mode with 60FPS, players will need to use DLSS or FSR on their Balanced Presets. The minimum CPU would be Intel I5 11600K / AMD Ryzen 5 5600X while a GPU like the Nvidia RTX 3080 / AMD RX 6800XT would be needed. These need to be paired with a minimum of 16 GB of RAM running in Dual Channel configuration. Regardless of your graphics setup, you’ll need 65 GB of space on an SSD.

In other news, the Dark Souls III PC servers are finally back online after a period of seven months. Elsewhere, PlayStation’s CEO Jim Ryan began trending on Twitter after today’s PS5 price increase.

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