Netflix Resident Evil canceled

Resident Evil TV Show Canceled by Netflix After One Season

Netflix’s Resident Evil TV show has been canceled after one season. The show premiered to negative responses from critics and audiences, and it seems like the service considers it to be a flop.

Netflix’s Resident Evil TV show is emblematic of the streaming service’s issues

Reported by Deadline, the cancellation of Resident Evil by Netflix comes as no surprise to fans of the gaming series that serves as the source material for the show. The consensus among the community is that it’s a terrible Resident Evil adaptation and a bad show in general. While it apparently did well on Netflix on its premiere, outpacing Stranger Things Season 4 to take the #1 spot temporarily, it fell out of the Top 10 within three weeks.

Netflix continues to fight to keep subscribers and increase profit but doesn’t seem to know which path to take. It continues layoffs while spending tens of millions on productions like Resident Evil and Cowboy Bebop that don’t track with fans and end up flopping.

While there’s something to be said about letting a licensed show stand on its own, the whole point behind using the IP is to attract existing fans. Instead, Netflix continues to produce series that end up feeling like a mockery of the source material.

We do hope that Lance Reddick returns in a future Resident Evil production, in any case. Given that his rendition of Wesker was more of a researcher, he’d make a great William Birken…

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