Breaking Bad season 6
Image: AMC

Will There be a Breaking Bad Season 6?: Release Date Rumors, News, Leaks, and More

Breaking Bad is widely considered to be one of the most critically acclaimed TV shows ever made, and some wonder if we will ever get to see a season 6. This show starred Bryan Cranston as Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who turns to a life of crime with former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), producing and distributing crystal meth. This is everything we currently know about the odds of a Breaking Bad season 6.

Will there be a Breaking Bad season 6?

Breaking Bad season 6
Image: AMC

There are currently no plans for season 6 of Breaking Bad. After the five-season run of Breaking Bad ended in 2013, the series felt resolved, with many of the characters ending up in emotionally satisfying places. The franchise ultimately had a new addition with a prequel series named Better Call Saul, which focuses on Saul Goodman’s life years before he became Walter White’s lawyer.

Recently, the series finale of Better Call Saul premiered on AMC, which brought back Cranston and Paul to their iconic roles in a cameo appearance. This satisfying ending gave fans the resolution they needed to these fascinating stories, which have been running since 2008.

Those looking for events set after the series finale of Breaking Bad may look no further than El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, an epilogue to the series which follows Jesse after the thrilling finale. The movie serves as a sixth season of sorts, with its continuation of the story and the return of many of the show’s characters.

As far as the future of the Breaking Bad franchise, creator Vince Gilligan remains doubtful that he will return to the series. He stated, “I don’t have any plans right now to do anything more in this universe. I know I probably gave the same answer at the end of Breaking Bad. I gotta prove to myself that I got something else in me. I’m not a one-trick pony, that’s what I’m hoping.” However, he also said he could imagine revisiting the universe in the future, so only time will tell as to whether we will be getting more of this fascinating universe.

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