star wars the mandalorian season 3 trailer disney plus d23 expo
Image: Lucasfilm Ltd.

The Mandalorian Season 3 Teaser Trailer Drops At D23 Expo

Star Wars fans got a glimpse of the future of the critically-acclaimed series The Mandalorian during D23 Expo. Those in Hall D23 were treated with a teaser trailer for season 3, allowing a short but sweet glimpse of what to expect from the titular character, and of course, Grogu. Now, that trailer has been posted online, for everybody to enjoy.

The Mandalorian season 3 trailer teases 2023 debut

Having removed his helmet during the events of season 2, our hero is told, “you are a Mandalorian no more.” Still taking care of Grogu, he is now referred to as the creature’s father; a role that he is now actually seeming to rather enjoy. As “a clan of two,” we see as the pair in season 3 embarking on yet another death-defying adventure, meeting new Mandalorians along the way. After the events of spin-off series The Book of Boba Fett, we will watch the Mandalorian and Grogu travel to Mandalore, where Din Djarin hopes to redeem himself.

Whilst no official premiere date has yet been given for The Mandalorian season 3, we do know that it will debut on Disney Plus at some point in 2023. Pedro Pascal returns to the lead role, with co-stars Giancarlo Esposito, Carl Weathers, Katee Sackhoff, Emily Swallow, Omid Abtahi, Amy Sedaris, Christopher Lloyd, and Tim Meadows.

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