she hulk episode 6 mr immortal
Image: Marvel

She-Hulk Episode 6 Adds Mr. Immortal to the MCU

She-Hulk episode 6 debuted on Disney Plus today, and with it came the introduction of Mr. Immortal to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, the series provides a much different take on the character in the MCU and he’s no longer the long-haired Great Lakes Avengers leader that comic fans may know.

How She-Hulk episode 6 introduces Mr. Immortal

she hulk episode 6 mr immortal 2
Image: Marvel Studios

Craig Hollis a.k.a. Mr. Immortal (played by The Book of Boba Fett actor David Pasquesi) makes his debut in the offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway, explaining to lawyers Nikki and Amelia that he is embroiled in a legal battle as a result of his superpowers.

As his name suggests, Mr. Immortal cannot die — or at least, he dies for a few seconds before coming back to life. It turns out that he’s been using this superpower to avoid conflict with his many, many spouses, faking his own death to avoid the conflict that would come with leaving them. Mr. Immortal displays these powers to Nikki and Amelia by jumping out of the window when their conversation becomes too intense for him to handle.

While Mr. Immortal in She-Hulk doesn’t look much like his heavily muscled, costume-wearing comics counterpart, he boasts a similarly goofy personality, albeit without the superhero antics. In the comics, Mr. Immortal forms the Great Lakes Avengers alongside the likes of Big Bertha, Doorman, and Flatman, fighting crime as a less-successful version of Iron Man and Captain America’s crew. In She-Hulk, Mr. Immortal is shown to simply use his powers as a means of avoiding conflict and marrying a lot of people.

In other news, here’s when you can watch She-Hulk episode 7 on Disney Plus. Also, we took a deep dive into the mysterious planet Kenari featured in Andor.

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