YouTube on Apple News

Can You Use YouTube on Apple Watch?

You can watch YouTube on your Apple Watch. It’s not an ideal experience for multiple reasons, but it’s worth checking out for the novelty factor alone. Unfortunately, there’s no official YouTube app for Apple Watch, but there’s a third-party solution that works surprisingly well.

Is there a YouTube app for Apple Watch?

Apple Watch YouTube

WatchTube is a YouTube app for Apple Watch developed by Hugo Mason. You can install it through the Watch App Store and then easily use it to look up and view videos directly on your watch.

However, there are some drawbacks to WatchTube. Our biggest issue is that you can’t log in to your YouTube account. You can save favorites and like content locally, but there’s no way to transfer that off of the watch. There are also occasional glitches with the app, like videos not loading or showing in the incorrect aspect ratio.

Despite its shortcomings, WatchTube is pretty robust for a watch app. It has a full search, and almost every video we tried worked flawlessly. Just don’t expect great battery life when you’re using it, as the device isn’t really optimized for playing videos. The app is still under development, and hopefully, we’ll see more optimizations and features added that solve some of the issues we encountered.

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