new silent hill game announcement october 19

Silent Hill Announcement Set For October 19, But What Game Be Revealed?

A Silent Hill announcement is set for October 19, Konami has revealed, with a ‘Silent Hill Transmission’ event set to provide brand new updates pertaining to the series. But what new games will be revealed during the presentation?

What new games will feature in the Silent Hill announcement?

There have been multiple hints in recent months that a new Silent Hill game is on its way, with Silent Hill movie director Christophe Gans even outright saying that Team Silent is working on “several” new projects in the game’s universe (via PlayStation LifeStyle).

According to Gans, there’s a “big line of games” that are being worked on that will “revive the franchise,” with it lying dormant since Hideo Kojima left Konami and Silent Hills was canceled back in 2015. Gans said that Konami was impressed with the success of the Resident Evil remakes, implying that we could see the same thing with Silent Hill, along with brand-new games. Silent Hill has avoided the remake treatment up until this point, save for some impressive fan-made mods on PC.

Gans’ comments came after an as-yet-unannounced game titled Silent Hill: A Short Message received an age rating in South Korea. It is believed that this could be a demo for an upcoming full game, as a reported leak back in September showed images and the full script for a Konami project codenamed Sakura.

The Silent Hill Transmission event will take place on October 19 at 2 PM PDT.

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