Elijah Wood New Silent Hill Movie Game

Elijah Wood Teases New Silent Hill Game or Movie Role

Hot off the heels of the surprise announcement of a reveal on October 19, a new Silent Hill Elijah Wood tease suggests the Lord of the Rings actor may be part of the mysterious ‘transmission.’ However, Elijah Wood could be teasing either a new Silent Hill game or movie, since both have been previously rumored.

Silent Hill Elijah Wood tease suggests a new movie or game

Following the announcement of a Silent Hill transmission from Konami on October 19, where the “latest updates” from the long-dormant horror series will be revealed, actor Elijah Wood retweeted the official Silent Hill Twitter account’s post with a pair of watching eyes — which usually indicates that the person knows something about it or is involved with it.

The big question now is whether this ‘transmission’ will include details on a new Silent Hill movie or game, as Elijah Wood could be involved in either. While obviously, Wood is well-known for iconic movie roles such as Lord of the Rings and Sin City, more recently he’s done a lot of voice acting too — including in video games such as Psychonauts 2, Broken Age, and 11-11: Memories Untold.

Furthermore, Christopher Gans, the director of the first Silent Hill movie (which starred Wood’s fellow Lord of the Rings star Sean Bean), earlier this year confirmed that he was working on a third Silent Hill movie for release in 2023 and stated that the whole franchise was “going to be relaunched” — which includes video games. So, this ‘transmission’ on Wednesday might include announcements of both a new Silent Hill game (or games) and a Silent Hill 3 movie directed by Christopher Gans, too.

No matter what happens, the memes are already arriving.

Whatever it is, the Silent Hill ‘transmission’ will take place on October 19 at 2pm PDT.

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