Silent Hill 2 Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake Confirmed But No Release Date Given

After months of rumors and leaks, Konami has officially announced the Silent Hill 2 remake, confirming that Bloober Team is indeed the developer behind it, as unveiled at the Silent Hill Transmission showcase that aired today, October 19. As leaked by an anonymous source before the showcase (via PlayStation LifeStyle), the livestream confirms that no release date has been set and that the game will be a timed PC and PS5 exclusive for a year. Two Team Silent veterans, artist Masahiro Ito and composer Akira Yamaoka, will be returning for the remake.

What is the Silent Hill 2 remake release date?

No release date has been announced yet for the Silent Hill 2 remake. Whatever the case may be, the game looks as though it will release for PC and PS5 first, and then take 12 months before it is available on Xbox platforms. PS5 owners can wishlist the game now on their console. The showcase also revealed that remake will run on Unreal Engine, revamping the character models for James Sunderland, Maria, and Pyramid Head.

Earlier today, the existence of the remake was uncovered through the livestream’s own video tags on YouTube, which at the time unveiled a possible Silent Hill remake, Silent Hill: Ascension, the Return to Silent Hill movie, and the mysterious “Silent Hill f.” Several rather blurry images of the Silent Hill 2 remake from Bloober Team were apparently leaked in September, though they were made roughly four years ago.

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