will henry cavill return as the witcher season 3

Will Henry Cavill Return as The Witcher After Season 3?

The Witcher season 3 is currently set to arrive in summer 2023 and the fantasy series will once again debut exclusively on Netflix, but what are the plans for Geralt himself, Henry Cavill? Will Henry Cavill return as The Witcher for season 3, as was originally planned, and what about season 4 and beyond? Is the news about Liam Hemsworth taking over the role true?

The Witcher season 3: Will Henry Cavill return?

The good news is that Henry Cavill is confirmed to play The Witcher for season 3 of the show, which will launch in summer 2023 on Netflix. The bad news is that it will be his last season.

Will Henry Cavill return to The Witcher for season 4?

IMAGE: Susie Allnutt/Netflix

As announced by Netflix, Henry Cavill is leaving the role of The Witcher following season 3 and will not return for season 4. The streaming service confirmed The Witcher season 4 is happening, but Cavill will not be in it. Instead, the role of Geralt of Rivia will be played by Liam Hemsworth. It is highly unlikely Cavill will return as Geralt for any further seasons of The Witcher, despite assertions the actor made just last year to the contrary.

As to why Henry Cavill is choosing to leave the lead role in a successful and popular Netflix series after three seasons of The Witcher, it may have something to do with the actor’s return to the role of Superman following the Black Adam movie’s post-credits scene. Following his appearance there, it has now seemingly been confirmed that Warner Bros is fast-tracking Man of Steel 2, to say nothing about a possible Justice League 2 and Henry Cavill’s Superman fighting Dwayne Johnson in Black Adam 2.

As for The Witcher, the prequel spin-off show Blood Origin will launch on Netflix on December 25, and Henry Cavill will return for his final season as Geralt in summer 2023.

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