the witcher season 4 release date

The Witcher Season 4 Release Date: Leaks, Rumors, Story

What is The Witcher season 4 release date and what stories will it cover? Netflix has confirmed that the fourth season of the fantasy series has been greenlit, the show is renewed, although not without controversy as Henry Cavill has been replaced as Geralt. How will this affect the new season’s release date on Netflix?

What will the Witcher season 4 release date be?

The Witcher season will likely launch around December 2024 or Summer 2025. Netflix has not yet announced exactly when the fourth season’s release date will be or even a rough window when fans can expect it, other than confirming that it’s happening.

the witcher season 4 release date
IMAGE: Jay Maidment/Netflix

The Witcher season 1 and 2 both launched in December, 2019 and 2021 respectively, and it’s a surprise that The Witcher season 3 is confirmed for a summer 2023 release — much earlier than fans previously expected. It’s hopefully possible then that season 4 could arrive just a year and a half after season 3, especially if it brings the series back to its usual December release time in 2024.

The Witcher season 4 story leaks and rumors

At the moment The Witcher season 3 has not aired on Netflix, so it is difficult to determine exactly what season 4 will cover. However, Netflix has announced that season 3 will cover The Time of Contempt, the third of the Witcher series of books by author Andrzej Sapkowski, so that gives us an idea.

Assuming that season 3 covers the third book, then it is likely that season 4 will adapt the next novel Baptism of Fire. In it, war rages between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms. Geralt (now Liam Hemsworth) gathers a band including Milva of Brokilon Forest, dwarf Zoltan Chivay, and an ancient vampire called Regis. Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) helps found the Lodge of Sorceresses, and Ciri (Freya Allan) falls in with a gang called The Rats. It’s to be seen if these events happen in the Netflix series too. Fans will have to wait and see.

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