doom patrol season 4 release date cast plot hbo max
Image: Bob Mahoney/HBO Max

Doom Patrol Season 4 Release Date, Cast, and Plot

Now that DC series Titans has made its return for a fourth season, fans are wondering exactly when they’ll be able to start watching Doom Patrol Season 4 on HBO Max. Fortunately, there’s not too long to wait until the series makes its return, but what will be the plot, and who will be a part of the cast? Here’s what we know so far about Doom Patrol Season 4…

What is the Doom Patrol Season 4 release date on HBO Max?

doom patrol season 4 release date cast plot hbo max
Image: Bob Mahoney/HBO Max

Doom Patrol Season 4 starts on Thursday, December 8, 2022. Two episodes of the new season will be available on HBO Max on premiere day, followed by one episode weekly until January 5, 2023. The season will then conclude later in the year with an additional six episodes.

Who is in the Doom Patrol Season 4 cast?

doom patrol season 4 release date cast plot hbo max
Image: Bob Mahoney/HBO Max

Doom Patrol fans will be happy to hear that the entire cast is making a return for the fourth season. That includes Brendan Fraser voicing Robot-Man, with Riley Shanahan in-costume as the character, along with April Bowlby as Rita Farr/Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer voicing Larry Trainor/Negative Man with Mattew Zuk performing in-costume, Diane Guerrero as Kay Challis/Crazy Jane, and Joivan Wade as Cyborg.

The show will also see a new face joining the Doom Patrol team, in the form of Laura De Mille/Madame Rogue, played by Michelle Gomez. She was first introduced in Season 3, and is a former super-villain, so it will be interesting to see just how she adapts to playing as part of a team. Audiences will also get to see Elijah Rashad Reed in the recurring role of robotics teacher, Deric. Then there’s Sendhil Ramamurthy as the evil Mr. 104, and Madeline Zima as Casey Brinke/Space Case.

What is the Doom Patrol Season 4 plot?

A little earlier this year, Doom Patrol was featured at New York Comic Con, and a synopsis for the fourth season revealed ahead of time that the team “unexpectedly travels to the future” in the latest batch of episodes. There, they will come across an “unwelcome surprise,” which forces them to choose between “their own happiness,” and “the fate of the world.” A tantalizing tease, but one that doesn’t reveal too much about what we should expect. It’s going to be an interesting ride.

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