house of the dragon matt smith quits quit hbo max daemon targaryen

Has Matt Smith Quit House of the Dragon?

In House of the Dragon Matt Smith plays Daemon Targaryen, the brother of King Viserys. Daemon goes through many changes during the HBO Max series and is one of the best parts of the show. In that case, what are these rumors that Matt Smith quits House of the Dragon for some reason? Are they true, and if not, where did they come from?

Is the Matt Smith quits House of the Dragon rumor true?

Matt Smith has not quit House of the Dragon and will remain in the role of Daemon Targaryen. Smith is one of the few actors to play their role throughout all of House of the Dragon season one and its various time skips and will continue to do so when season two launches.

It is not certain where the rumor of Matt Smith quitting House of the Dragon comes from. There doesn’t appear to be any truth to it, nor does it have any particular origin. In fact, Matt Smith is among 12 of the show’s actors that HBO Max has nominated for the annual SAG Awards. He has already signed up to do House of the Dragon season 2, presumably for a release in 2023.

This is not the first unusual rumor with no apparent origin to do with House of the Dragon. Henry Cavill, who recently left the starring role in Netflix’s own successful fantasy series The Witcher, was rumored as joining the cast of House of the Dragon season 2. Cavill refuted this. There are even rumors about House of the Dragon getting canceled entirely, despite all reports stating that the show is an enormous hit for HBO Max.

Regardless of rumors, fans can rest assured that Matt Smith has no plans to quit House of the Dragon. At least, not at the present time, anyway.

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