the guardians of the galaxy holiday special mark hamill role christmas movie
Image: Courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL

Mark Hamill Didn’t Appear in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is now streaming on Disney Plus, and has Marvel fans everywhere talking. In a short but sweet moment, viewers spotted who they thought was none other than Star Wars legend Mark Hamill, making a cameo appearance for the ages. Now, however, the real person donning the droopy Christmas hat has seemingly been revealed. Here is the role many thought Hamill took on in The Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special. Minor spoilers ahead.

Who does Mark Hamill look like in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special?

Fans thought Mark Hamill played a Ravager in The Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special, who looks to have been drinking too much booze. He appears disheveled, wearing a lopsided festive hat over his messy hair, as Knowhere attempts to get into the holiday spirit.

MCU fans have been wondering about Hamill potentially appearing in a Marvel project, as Guardians of the Galaxy director, James Gunn, has been honest about meeting with him.

Hamill had also poked fun at the idea of a Holiday special on his Twitter account, throwing back to the much-maligned Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978. He replied to a now-deleted tweet from Gunn about the Christmas short.

Over the past few days, social media has been ablaze with denials about Hamill’s involvement, including a message on Twitter from his own son, Nathan. Mark stoked the fires of confusion even more, by sending out his own tweet questioning whether his boy was telling the whole truth. According to Cynn Smith, who worked on the Holiday Special, the actor in question was actually Troy Beecham.

Still, there was one A-list celebrity cameo that we can be sure about. Kevin Bacon, playing himself, was put under a trance by Mantis following her abduction of the acting legend, aided by Drax. Commanded to be happy to leave planet Earth behind, so he could be a gift for Quill, he was then forced to believe he was a real hero, rather than just an actor who played one in the movies. This led to a hilarious moment where he name-dropped both Bruce Wayne, and his superhero alias, Batman, leaving Drax confused as to who exactly Wayne was.

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