every star wars movie and tv series release date in 2023
(L-R): The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu in Lucasfilm's THE MANDALORIAN, season three, exclusively on Disney+. ©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved

Every Star Wars Movie and TV Series Release Date in 2023

The Star Wars release date calendar seems to be filling up at a rapid pace. Whether there are new additions to the slate of movies on the way, or a unique story being told through an original TV series on Disney Plus, fans of the sci-fi franchise should be happy with the amount of content being produced. With that in mind, and looking to the future, here are all of the Star Wars films, TV shows, and projects that will be released in 2023, along with their release dates or release window.

Star Wars movie and TV series release dates in 2023

Movie/TV SeriesRelease Date
The Bad Batch (Season 2)Jan. 4, 2023
The Mandalorian (Season 3)March 1, 2023
Untitled Star Wars MovieDec. 22, 2023
Star Wars: Visions (Volume 2)Spring 2023
Young Jedi AdventuresSpring 2023
The AcolyteSummer 2023
Skeleton Crew2023

Disney has announced that there will be at least one new Star Wars movie released every two years, up to and including 2027. Patty Jenkins was supposed to helm the movie coming out in December 2023, but schedule conflicts mean that her Star Wars project has been delayed. Now that she is no longer in charge of the next Wonder Woman movie, however, she could make a swift return to the director’s chair. It’s not yet been revealed exactly whose movie will replace hers, but there are some big names in the mix, including Taika Waititi, Damon Lindelof, and even Marvel boss Kevin Feige. Of course, the date is subject to change and could be removed from the 2023 lineup entirely.

The new Star Wars TV series coming in 2023 is what will have everybody talking. The new year starts with the second season of The Bad Batch, following the release of a trailer at Star Wars Celebration earlier this year. It confirms the survival of the Wookiee Jedi Gungi after Order 66, and also featured a fleeting appearance from Commander Cody. Fans are excited to finally return to the animated show after a 17-month wait.

One of the most popular Star Wars TV shows, The Mandalorian, is making its return a little later on in the new year. Season 3 will follow Mando as he attempts to redeem himself after removing his helmet, with Grogu by his side once more. Making his way back to his home planet, audiences will follow Mando as the series picks right up where we left him at the conclusion of The Book of Boba Fett, although some would argue the less said about that series, the better.

Another animated Star Wars series arrives in the form of Young Jedi Adventures, which centers around the adventures of young Jedi trainees, who are learning the ways of the Force. This is a show for the whole family, with preschoolers, and grade schoolers as the main target audience. Then there’s The Acolyte, which is described as a “mystery-thriller,” taking place in the final days of the High Republic era. This could be the biggest leap away from what we’re used to seeing from the Star Wars universe of all.

Less is known about Skeleton Crew. Jude Law leads the cast, starring alongside Kyriana Kratter and Ravi Cabot-Conyers. While filming has started, all that is known right now is that the series will tell a coming-of-age story. Ahsoka looks set to round out the year’s TV releases, developed by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. Rosario Dawson returns to the titular role, in what is pitched as a serialized series that continues to follow Ahsoka’s journey, following her appearances in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett.

Upcoming Releases

The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is thrilling First-Person Action RPG, stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate…
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The setting for Link’s adventure has been expanded to include the skies above the vast lands of Hyrule.
Amnesia: The Bunker is a first-person horror game set in a desolate WW1 Bunker. Face the oppressing terrors stalking the dark corridors. Search for and use the tools and weapons at your disposal, while keeping the lights on at all costs. Overcome fear, persevere, and make your way out alive.
Star Trek: Resurgence is an interactive narrative video game that tells an original story in a choice-driven adventure set within the iconic sci-fi universe
