Christmas Gaming Gift Ideas

Christmas Gaming Gift Ideas: Best Christmas Presents for Gamers (2022)

Hunting down the perfect Christmas gaming gift can be tough. Thankfully, we at GR live and breathe video games, meaning we’ve got the expertise and experience available to recommend the best Christmas present for Gamers in 2022. Whether you’re looking for the perfect console, the best game to buy, or some must-have accessories, here are some perfect gaming gift ideas for Christmas 2022.

Best games console to buy for Christmas 2022

Christmas Gaming Gift Ideas

There’s a surprise contender in the best games console recommendations for Christmas 2022, going up against the likes of Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo:

Xbox Series X|S

The main highlight of the Xbox Series X|S is how well it pairs with the Xbox Game Pass, a subscription service that offers fantastic value when it comes to accessing the latest and greatest games, in addition to a wide variety of older titles.


With stock levels improving, the PS5 is easier to recommend for Christmas 2022.

The PS5 has many exclusives which can’t be played on other systems.

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch remains a great Christmas gift. For 2022, there are three models available: the standard Nintendo Switch, the portable-only Nintendo Switch Lite, and the flagship Nintendo Switch OLED.

Steam Deck

I’d classify the Steam Deck as a console. It’s like a more powerful Nintendo Switch has access to the enormous library of Steam games.

Best games to buy as Christmas 2022 gifts

Christmas Gaming Gift Ideas

The following games would make great Christmas 2022 gifts for gamers:

Best gaming accessories for Christmas 2022

Christmas Gaming Gift Ideas

After reviewing and using a whole lot of them during the year, here are our top picks for the best gaming accessories for Christmas 2022:

Upcoming Releases

The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is thrilling First-Person Action RPG, stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate…
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The setting for Link’s adventure has been expanded to include the skies above the vast lands of Hyrule.
Amnesia: The Bunker is a first-person horror game set in a desolate WW1 Bunker. Face the oppressing terrors stalking the dark corridors. Search for and use the tools and weapons at your disposal, while keeping the lights on at all costs. Overcome fear, persevere, and make your way out alive.
Star Trek: Resurgence is an interactive narrative video game that tells an original story in a choice-driven adventure set within the iconic sci-fi universe
