scream 6 teaser trailer ghostface new york city subway
Image: Paramount Pictures

Scream 6 Trailer Takes Ghostface to New York City Subway on Halloween Night

The first official teaser trailer for Scream 6, stylized as Scream VI has been revealed. In it, audiences are taken to New York City on Halloween night, giving a whole new backdrop for the impending Ghostface massacre. While the Woodsboro survivors may want a fresh start in the Big Apple, it appears that there is no rest for the wicked. You can get your first glimpse of the upcoming horror movie below.

The first Scream 6 teaser trailer has arrived

After a number of leaks, the first Scream 6 trailer showcases New York City on Halloween, before reintroducing the survivors from Scream 5 on the NYC subway. It is there, where so many passengers are in full costume for the spooky festivities, that a number of Ghostface masks cause concern. Unfortunately, any hopes that this is a simple case of paranoia are dashed, when one of those donning a mask attacks fan-favorite character, Mindy Meeks (Jasmin Savoy Brown).

Paramount Pictures also dropped an eerie poster for the film, which showed a battered and dirty Ghostface mask looking through the windows of a NYC subway carriage. Brandishing a knife, and promising “new rules” in this “new city,” it’s clear that the survivors from Scream 5 are going to have to forget everything they thought they knew about staying alive, if they want to do so all over again.

The sequel will see the return of Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers, with Wednesday star Jenna Ortega as Tara Carpenter, Melissa Barrera as Sam Carpenter, Jasmin Savoy Brown as Mindy Meeks-Martin, and Mason Gooding as Chad Meeks-Martin. Hayden Panettiere will also make a welcome comeback following her turn in Scream 4 as Kirby. Controversially, Neve Campbell won’t return as former series lead Sidney Prescott, after a pay dispute with the film studio went public.

Scream 6 is currently set to hit movie theaters on March 10, 2023.

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