new pokemon anime series ends ash ketchum and pikachu ultimate journeys

New Pokemon Anime Ends Ash Ketchum and Pikachu’s Journey

The Pokemon Company today announced that Ash Ketchum and Pikachu’s journey is to reach its last chapter, as their final episode is due to air. With it will come the conclusion of the anime series Pokemon Ultimate Journeys. They also revealed that a new Pokemon show, introducing two new characters and three Paldea starter Pokemon, would debut in 2023.

Ash and Pikachu’s last Pokémon episode will to release in 2023

It’s the end of an era, as after 25 years, Ash Ketchum and Pikachu will no longer front the Pokemon series. The final episode of their journey airs on January 13, 2023, bringing their journey of ups and downs to its ultimate conclusion.

After Ash finally became Pokemon World Champion, audiences will get to celebrate his adventures with a collection of special episodes that will also feature fan-favorite faces such as Misty and Brock. The episodes are also teased as providing “a glimpse at what the future may hold” as Ash and Pikachu enjoy their last chapter.

Ash and Pikachu made their television debut in April 1997 on TV Tokyo, in the first episode of the Pokemon anime series. Over 25 seasons, the pair have battled to become the most powerful duo around, before Ash claimed the title of the world’s strongest trainer in Pokemon Ultimate Journeys: The Series.

Meanwhile, the new series will introduce dual protagonists called Liko and Roy, as they set off on their own adventures across the Pokemon world. It will feature starter Pokemon Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly from the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet video games, and the shiny version of legendary Pokemon Rayquaza.

Pokemon Ultimate Journeys: The Series continues to stream on Netflix in the U.S.

In other news, the Fortnite: My Hero Academia skins have leaked, and a Death Stranding movie based on Hideo Kojima’s video game is in the works.

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