ash ketchum voice actor says goodbye after final episode announced pikachu ultimate journeys

Pokemon’s Ash Ketchum Voice Actor Says ‘Goodbye’ as Final Episode Announced

Ash Ketchum English voice actor Sarah Natochenny has said goodbye to the role, after it was revealed Ash and Pikachu would embark on their final chapter in the Pokemon anime series. The Pokemon Company revealed today that the duo would be phased out of the show, with two new protagonists leading the charge in a new series after Ash and Pikachu’s final episode airs in 2023.

Ash Ketchum voice actor Sarah Natochenny promises to “keep him present”

For eight seasons, Veronica Taylor provided the voice of Ash, before Sarah Natochenny took over from the ninth season to the present day. Her time recording the English voice lines for Ash has spanned 17 years, and she clearly recognizes the impact the character has had on fans judging by her statement, where she has promised “to keep him [Ash] present for all of us in every way I can.” Taylor is yet to comment on the news that Ash and Pikachu will no longer be the face of the Pokemon franchise.

Pokemon Ultimate Journeys: The Series at last saw Ash win the Masters Eight Tournament of the Pokemon World Coronation Series, which made him the strongest trainer in the world. Though The Pokemon Company have promised a “a glimpse at what the future may hold” for Ash and Pikachu, they also confirmed that an upcoming collection of episodes will act as the pair’s “final chapter.” Fan-favorite characters from the 25 seasons will feature, including Misty, Brock, and other familiar faces.

Pokemon Ultimate Journeys: The Series continues to stream on Netflix in the U.S.

In other news, World of Warcraft fans are calling for Henry Cavill to play Arthas after his Superman firing, and a Death Stranding movie based on the Hideo Kojima video game of the same name is in the works.

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