Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Leaks Reveal Fossil Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Leaks Reveal Fossil Pokemon Kabuto and More

An accidental leak during the 2023 San Diego Regional Championships revealed Pokemon Scarlet and Violet‘s Fossil Pokemon Kabuto, Dracovish, and Amaura, among others during a live stream on January 8.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fossil leaks

The manual sprite selector that was in use during the team previews looks to have used Scarlet and Violet-style sprites for Dracovish, Kabuto, Garbodor, Vanillish, Volbeat, and Amaura, as tweeted by user mattyoukhana_.

Fans are already speculating that these leaked Pokemon will be coming soon as part of upcoming DLC for Scarlet and Violet, with most of the noise surrounding the re-introduction of Fossil Pokemon, who were entirely absent from the base game.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Are Fossil Pokemon coming soon?

Given that Pokemon esports events like the Regionals often use custom selectors and displays for team previews, it’s hard to say whether these are true leaks and if the Fossil Pokemon will be making a true return. A likely explanation could be that each of the 1,008 Pokemon has or will be receiving a refreshed menu sprite for future use in something like Pokemon Home, which is still yet to be released for Scarlet and Violet.

The more exciting possibility is the potential of Fossils making their debut in Paldea though, but any confirmation of that looks far away for now. For more news, check out this original Final Fantasy 7 full voice acting mod, or for more Pokemon rumors, an Ash Ketchum skin could be coming to Fortnite.

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