Ant-Man Quantumania Trailer Corey Stoll Revealed MODOK Darren Cross Yellowjacket
Image: Shedrick Pelt / Stringer

Ant-Man: Quantumania Trailer Reveals MODOK Is Corey Stoll

A new trailer for Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania has finally revealed just who will be hiding behind MODOK’s mask as Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe gets underway. In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, a gigantic Corey Stoll head can be seen, confirming that the actor will be returning as the first Ant-Man movie villain, Darren Cross, aka Yellowjacket.

Corey Stoll is playing MODOK in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Darren Cross may have been defeated as Yellowjacket in the original 2015 Ant-Man movie, but it turns out that any assumptions about his death were made too soon. Instead, it appears that Corey Stoll’s character was left mutated following Scott Lang’s use of a shrinking device on his Yellowjacket suit that sent him to the Quantum Realm. Now, he has a giant head with smaller limbs, so he will likely be looking for his revenge.

MODOK has been a prominent villain throughout Marvel Comics’ history, ever since his initial introduction in 1967. Having antagonized countless heroes, he is renowned for using his intelligence for evil means, creating deadly weaponry and even using psychic abilities. In those books, however, the man behind the mask is George Tarleton, a former technician.

Many thought that Bill Murray’s mysterious Quantumania character would turn out to be the villainous MODOK, but he is instead playing an obscure Marvel Comics character called Lord Krylar. Having only appeared in a single issue of the comic books, without any association with Ant-Man, it will be interesting to see just how the character is used as part of the MCU.

Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania comes to theaters on February 17, 2023.

In other news, Hugh Jackman may have leaked the official title for Deadpool 3, and rumors suggest Sacha Baron Cohen has joined the Agatha Coven of Chaos cast.

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