Starfield Missing Xbox Bethesda Developer Direct

Starfield Missing From Xbox and Bethesda Developer Direct Games Showcase

Starfield is strangely absent from the upcoming Xbox and Bethesda Developer Direct (or Developer_Direct as they call it). What games would be shown at this showcase was rumored over the past few days, but Microsoft has confirmed that it will only focus on four games: The Elder Scrolls Online, Forza Motorsport (so presumably Forza Motorsport 8), Minecraft Legends, and Redfall Studios. But the publisher has thankfully verified that Starfield is indeed getting its own showcase.

Is a Starfield delay coming?

Due to the confirmation from Xbox Wire that Starfield has been left off the list, fears of a Starfield delay (which has happened before) have been circulating on social media. One Reddit post attempted to “cope” with the information by suggesting that a Starfield-focused event would make sense. And for Bethesda, that apparently makes a lot of sense too, since the same Xbox Wire confirms that a Starfield standalone show is “in the works.”

It’s unclear when this Starfield showcase will be, though an announcement about the game was rumored given that Bethesda’s official website added a support page for Starfield. This is what led people to believe that a more precise release date for the game would be shown soon. The support site currently states that Starfield will release “in the first half of 2023.”

The Xbox and Bethesda Developer Direct games showcase airs on Wednesday, January 25, at 12 pm PT / 3pm ET / 6pm GMT on YouTube and Twitch.

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