Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Valentine's Tera Raid

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Valentine’s Day Event Date: When is the Valentine Tera Raid?

The seventh Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid has been announced and it will be taking place over Valentine’s Day 2023. Here’s everything we know about the Tera Raid date and time, as well as what players can expect from the event.

When is the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Valentine Tera Raid?

The seventh Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid will begin at 00:00 UTC on February 13, 2023, and will run until 23:59 UTC on February 15.

Unlike the previous 7-star Cinderace Tera Raid Battle event that closed out 2022, there will only be this one opportunity to catch the event, which players can find by approaching crystals from which light is emanating.

While details on the Raid are scarce, the opponent will be Tandemaus with an unknown Fairy-type Tera Type according to Serebii. The Pokemon is expected to be a level 20 opponent with a random ability, although the move set is most likely to be fixed with Echoed Voice, Double Hit, Baby-Doll Eyes, and Play Rough included. Players are recommended to bring along a Poison- or Steel-Type Pokemon to stand the best chance of defeating their opponent.

Unfortunately, the event news was not accompanied by an announcement for DLC expansions that are believed to be in development ready for June 2023.

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