Redfall Release Date Gameplay
Image via Arkane Studios

Redfall Release Date is May 2023 According to Leaks

The upcoming open-world and co-op FPS Redfall from Arkane — the studio group famous for truly immersive worlds like Deathloop, Dishonored, and more — has had its release date allegedly leaked onto Twitter earlier today from more than one source.

Redfall previously suffered a delay, along with the majorly anticipated Bethesda title Starfield, as it was initially assumed for a late 2022 release, but the recent leaks have speculators wondering if they can be trusted.

When is Redfall coming out?

According to two separate sources online, Redfall is due to be released on May 2, 2023. One Spanish leaker on Twitter, eXtas1stv, was previously responsible for a leak on Hideo Kojima’s upcoming OVERDOSE game. They posted an image from Redfall, seemingly sure of any doubt, that it would drop on the date mentioned.

Translated: “If there was any doubt, Redfall can now be 100% confirmed with a release date of May 2, 2023.”

To further corroborate this rumored release date, another popular user, Brad Sams, has posted some cryptic emoji, that match exactly what eXtas1stv had teased. “Red Fall, 2nd May”. The flag at the end represents Mayotte, but the meaning is easy to glean regardless.

No further information has been released yet regarding the release of Redfall, but players are sure to be keeping a sharp eye out now for any more clues.

The action and story-focused game has been all but quiet in its promotional material for some months now, with the most recent trailer from last year’s Halloween highlighting its darker, horror-themed atmosphere.

In other news, some League of Legends players are sending serious threats toward a Riot Games dev, and Cyberpunk 2077 could be coming to Xbox Game Pass soon.

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