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Where to Watch Skinamarink Movie: Is It Streaming on Netflix, Disney Plus, Shudder, or Prime Video?

New horror movie Skinamarink has got everybody talking, and is now enjoying a theatrical release. Those excited to check out the film are now wondering exactly where they can watch, and if the flick is available to stream on any of the major streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime Video, or Shudder.

Is the Skinamarink movie streaming on Shudder?

Skinamarink will be available to stream on Shudder on Thursday, February 2, 2023. The movie comes from director and creator Kyle Edward Ball, who called his project a “weird movie” back in December 2022 in a statement (via Variety).

Is there a Skinamarink Netflix release date?

Skinamarink will likely not be released on Netflix, as it looks to be exclusive to Shudder subscribers upon its streaming release. This will be disappointing for Netflix subscribers, who would have been hoping to settle down with some popcorn and enjoy the experimental horror.

Will Skinamarink be released on Disney Plus?

Skinamarink is not going to be released on Disney Plus. At the time of writing, there are no plans for the scary movie to make its way to the streaming platform, but that could change in the distant future if a deal is done.

Will Skinamarink release on Amazon Prime Video?

There are currently no plans for Skinamarink to be made available to stream on Amazon’s Prime Video service. The movie could, however, be available to buy or rent on the platform, as has been the case in the past with some of Shudder’s other original films.

Created on a budget of just $15,000, Skinamarink follows two children who wake up one night and discover their father has gone missing. With all of the windows and doors in their home vanishing, they are left terrified, and unsure what to do next.

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