pedro pascal the last of us mandalorian season 3 reactions twitter
Image: Courtesy of HBO

Pedro Pascal Branded ‘Hot Babysitter’ Over The Last of Us and Mandalorian Roles

Pedro Pascal’s star is on the rise. The actor currently stars as Joel in the HBO adaptation of critically-acclaimed video game series The Last of Us, and can also be seen reprising the titular role in the newly-released trailer for The Mandalorian Season 3. It’s fair to say that he is impressing fans with his work, to the point where he has now even been called a “hot babysitter,” thanks to his character’s journeys with Ellie and Grogu respectively.

Fans react to Pedro Pascal takeover with The Last of Us TV series and The Mandalorian Season 3 trailer

Much of the reaction to Pascal’s latest roles has noted that he has a knack for picking up roles where he becomes a protective figure over a vulnerable figure. This has led to the actor being praised for “thriving in his hot babysitter era” by one particular Twitter user.

Twitter has been flooded with positive reaction about Pascal, both for his new role in The Last of Us, and his ongoing role in Star Wars series, The Mandalorian. Fans are ecstatic to get the opportunity to see the actor in action over the next few months, with one in particular saying that the star will have audiences in a “chokehold.”

While some eyebrows were raised when the initial casting announcement for The Last of Us went out, it’s clear that those in charge made the right decision. The HBO series has been met with high critical acclaim since its release, reaching a near-perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, and a rare 10/10 in our own review of the season’s opening episode.

The Last of Us continues Sundays on HBO and is available to stream on HBO Max. The Mandalorian Season 3 will debut on March 1, 2023, streaming exclusively on Disney Plus.

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