jason momoa lobo rumors aquaman reactions dc universe james gunn peter safran
Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

Jason Momoa as Lobo Rumors Slammed by Fans as ‘Downgrade’

Jason Momoa has teased some “great news” in regards to his future as part of the DC Universe with Warner Bros. Pictures. Taking to social media, he said that he “wished he could tell” fans what he had secured, but that it wasn’t yet time to share the announcement. He also declared love for new DC Studios bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran. After rumors that he would be playing DC Comics villain Lobo in upcoming projects, fans are now having their say on what they believe to be a “downgrade” from his time as Aquaman.

Jason Momoa fans not happy after rumors he will stop playing Aquaman and play Lobo

As is often the case, fans on social media have jumped to the conclusion that rumors suggesting Jason Momoa’s time as Aquaman have come to a close. Not only this, but they believe he will now be playing DC villain Lobo, which some have called a “downgrade.” One fan even asked James Gunn directly to “reconsider” the decision, if it was true.

Of course, with no actual evidence that this is what will be happening, we will have to wait for official word from Momoa, or Gunn and Peter Safran. Exactly what the future holds for Momoa in the DC Universe remains to be seen, but after hearing about Henry Cavill leaving the franchise altogether, perhaps we should be thankful that it seems Momoa will be sticking around in some capacity.

Lobo first appeared in an issue of Omega Men, back in June 1983. The villain is an alien from the planet Czarnia, and works as both a bounty hunter and mercenary. He has been portrayed in live-action once before, with Emmett J. Scanlan playing him in the second season of TV series Krypton. Syfy canceled the series before a third season got off the ground.

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