the last of us hbo episode 2 kiss of death scene viewers fans reactions
Image: Liane Hentscher/HBO

The Last of Us HBO Episode 2 ‘Kiss of Death’ Scene Leaves Viewers ‘Heartbroken’

The Last of Us HBO series continued this week with its second episode. While it was an action-packed installment that had plenty of moments leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, it was Episode 2’s “kiss of death” scene that had everybody watching at home feeling uncomfortable.

How The Last of Us HBO’s ending compared with the game

the last of us hbo episode 2 kiss of death scene viewers fans reactions
Image: Liane Hentscher/HBO

After being bitten by one of the infected, Tess sacrificed herself in The Last of Us so that Joel and Ellie could make a run for it. While in the game, Tess stays behind to distract FEDRA agents, the HBO series swapped their attack out for a horde of infected. As one realized that Tess was still human, it slowly approached her before the Cordyceps infection reached out of its throat, delivering a “kiss of death.”

Fans are divided in their response to this scene. Some found it heartbreaking, and thought it added yet another layer of tragedy to the story. Others took to social media to say that they believed it was an “unnecessary” addition to the series. Then there were those who thought the change was “genius.” What everybody seemed to agree on, however, is just how moving a moment it was.

The fungal “kiss” was just one of a handful of moments in the show that differed from the source material, but was definitely the most noticeable.

The Last of Us continues Sundays on HBO and HBO Max. Episode 3 is called “Long Long Time” and will introduce viewers to the two survivors Bill and Frank, played by Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett respectively.

In other news, Starfield’s Bethesda and Halo Infinite’s 343 Industries has been hit by Microsoft layoffs, and KSI has fired back at Gordon Ramsay after he slammed Prime drinks in a scathing review.

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