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‘Oldnite’ Download Releasing Summer 2023, Claims TikTok Creator ‘Oldnitegame’

It’s been almost six years since Fortnite first exploded onto the scene. In that time, the game has undergone many transformations, turning it from a co-op survival experience into the most popular battle royale. While it’s maintained a healthy number of players, some users yearn for a return to more classic gameplay. “Oldnitegame” on TikTok is growing in popularity, showing off what they claim is a playable version of Old Fortnite that takes players back to Season 1.

Oldnite download promised for summer release date

oldnite download

The Oldnite summer launch release date is promised in Oldnitegame‘s bio and in responses to comments. However, it remains to be seen whether the user can deliver a fully playable version. For now, all users have is suspiciously janky videos showing loading screens and a game menu, in addition to chopped-up trailer footage.

The (supposed) game’s description reads:

Oldnite – Let’s revive the old Fortnite together:

Fortnite Battle Royale 100-player PvP. One giant Map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins.

For the fans who are getting hyped by the promise of Oldnite, here’s hoping it’s actually a game that will exist, and not just a TikTok user misleading for views.

One thing that classic Fortnite didn’t have was Dead Space skins. Surely that’s a big plus?

While you might be yearning for the classic Fortnite formula, there’s still plenty to potentially like in the current version of the game. The Falcon Scout, for example.

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