Adult Swim Fires Justin Roiland
Source: Getty Images/MJ Kim

Adult Swim Fires Justin Roiland After News of Domestic Violence Charges Goes Viral

Adult Swim has announced that it’s ended its association with Justin Roiland, one of the co-creators of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. A reason for firing Roiland wasn’t given in the statement. However, it can be assumed Adult Swim fired Roiland because the recent news of domestic violence charges against him went viral.

Adult Swim fires Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland

In a statement to Variety, the network said that it made the decision to sever ties with Roiland. While the network didn’t specify the reasoning behind its conclusion, it almost certainly has to be because of the severe allegations that came to light recently.

Roiland was charged in Orange County, California, with one felony count of domestic battery with corporal injury and one felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud, and/or deceit. According to the felony complaint, the incident occurred on or around January 19, 2020, against an unnamed Jane Doe, who was dating Roiland at the time.

He pleaded not guilty in 2020 and most recently appeared in court for a pre-trial hearing on January 13, 2023. As of now, a trial date has not yet been set, and he is due for another pre-trial hearing on April 27.

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