Starfield Showcase 2023

Starfield Showcase 2023: When Is the Next Gameplay Trailer?

The upcoming Starfield Showcase 2023 is shrouded in mystery so far. Many expected that Starfield would appear during the debut Xbox Developer Direct showcase when the event was first announced, but it didn’t feature. To squash rumors that Starfield had been delayed, they said that the game would be getting its own showcase. So then when is it happening?

When is the Starfield Showcase in 2023?

The next Starfield Showcase in 2023 does not yet have an official air date or time.

If we had to speculate when this Starfield Showcase will air, we would say March or April 2023. This is because the game still has a tentative release window of the first half of this year, and so waiting to have the showcase in May would seem to be too late for building hype.

A specific standalone show for the game has been confirmed through an official Xbox Wire post. Microsoft and Bethesda say that they need “to dedicate the proper amount of time for a deep dive” into what looks to be a ridiculously expansive RPG in space. Hopefully, whenever the showcase drops, it will show off base building, ship customization, and additional details on the war between the United Colonies and Freestar Collective.

The latest report from Windows Central states that anonymous sources have told them the Starfield release date “isn’t yet set in stone.” However, the game is “playable in full from start to finish” and is now likely in the midst of a lot of bug fixing, considering the high number of planets, cities, branching narratives, and dialogue in the game.

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