the batman 2 release date revealed james gunn dc announcement dceu slate dcu
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

The Batman 2 Release Date Confirmed for 2025 in James Gunn’s DCU Slate

An official release date has been set for The Batman 2. Now given the official title, The Batman – Part II, audiences can expect to see Robert Pattinson return to the role of the Caped Crusader in 2025. Despite James Gunn making his big DC announcement all about a fresh continuity, and a new DC Universe slate, Pattinson’s version of the Dark Knight will live on, albeit in a different universe that that is now being referred to as “DC Elseworlds.”

The Batman 2 gets new title and October 2025 release date, as part of DC Elseworlds

The Batman – Part II will come to movie theaters on October 3, 2025.

The film is a part of the newly-branded “DC Elseworlds” universe, that will also include the likes of Todd Phillip’s Joker sequel, Joker: Folie à Deux, and a currently unnamed Superman movie written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and produced by J.J. Abrams. DC co-chairpersons and co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran confirmed that they were awaiting a draft for Coates’ vision.

This news comes after The Batman director Matt Reeves said earlier this month in an interview with Collider that he had met with Gunn to confirm that his own “BatVerse” didn’t “crash” against Gunn’s plans, instead allowing the two to “support each other.” It appears that in order to do this, Reeves’ version of Batman will exist entirely separately to the vision being set out by Gunn and Safran.

Gunn did confirm however, that the four movies coming out over the next year – Shazam: Fury of the Gods, The Flash, Blue Beetle, and Aquaman 2 – will lead into what he and Safran have been working on. This new DCU slate will kickstart what the pair have described as a “unified” approach to DC storytelling, including movies, TV shows, live-action, animation, and gaming.

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